The Hellenic Art Theatre is a non-profit professional theatre group with the following objectives:

• To promote theatre and associated arts and crafts with particular emphasis on Greek Theatre.

• To encourage the writing and production of plays by local artists both English and Greek, particularly those plays which relate to migrant’s life in Australia.

• To educate the Greek community through theatre, in conjunction with government agencies, with sensitive health issues such as cancer and depression.

• To establish a theatrical studio for training of actors and encourage all aspects of theatrical education.

• To provide the opportunity for Greek actors to practice their art.

• To cultivate Children and Youth Theatre.

• To promote the cultural intercourse between migrants and other Australians.

• To embrace the new generation of Greek migrants, providing an opportunity for them to intermingle with the older migrants.

• To keep the Greek Language and culture alive through both Modern and Ancient Theatrical plays.



Building 36

142 Addison Rd

Marrickville NSW 2204
